Built-in Types


Numbers, Strings and Booleans

Primitive types are the basic data unit in Wyrd. These are numbers Num, strings Str, booleans Bool.

Num luckyNumber = 14
Str greetings   = "Hello world!"
Bool isSexy     = True
const luckyNumber = 14;
const greetings = 'Hello world!'
const isSexy = True

Notice that, Wyrd's string must be surrounded by double-quotes; on the other hand, Wyrd's boolean must be either True or False.

Concept of "Empty" - Null

Special primitive type is Null which represents the concept of "empty".

Null empty = Null
const empty = null;

Differs from JavaScript, Wyrd's only use Null value to represent the concept of "empty", but do not introduce undefined value.


List Literal

List is a built-in type in Wyrd. It is represented as an ordered collection of data.

List<element> is a kind of generic type which is an advanced concept that will presented in other document section. However, in order to specify which kind of type of the element are stored into list, you need to specify inside the <> brackets.

List<Num> fibSeries = [1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21]
const fibSeries = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21];

Notice that List literal is declared surrounding with brackets [ ] and you don't need commas to separate between different data.

Encourages Homogeneous Typed List

List often can be either homogeneous (which means a list can contain single type of data) or heterogeneous (which means a list can contain multiple type of data).

In Wyrd, it is a default behavior in which List literal will throw error if that list contains two or more data type.

[123 "Hello world" True Null]
ParserError: Expect List to contain of type `Num`, instead mixed with type `Str`

Notice that the error message expects that the list is declared only contains the type Num. In other words, the contained type of the list will be determined by the type of the first element.


🚧Under Construction 🚧

Maybe Types

To Be Done: Maybe primitives, lists ... etc

Last updated

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