Function Declaration

Components of Function's Declaration

Function's declaration consists of several part:

  • The name of the function

  • The arguments of the function

  • The output type of the function

  • The body of the function

For instance, to declare a function add which add up two numbers:

  • The name of the function is add

  • There will be 2 arguments, both of them are Num type

  • The output type will be Num

  • The body part should define the process of addition

def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num do
  x + y

Declaration Syntax

"Do-Block" Declaration

If the body of the function is a do block, you should always end it with the keyword end. On the other hand, the return value of the function will be evaluated by the last line in the body of the function, which means that the example:

def example(x: Num, y: Num): Num do
  Num foo = x + y
  foo * 2

Will be compiled into:

function example(x, y) {
  const foo = x + y;
  return foo * 2;

"One-Liner Arrow" Declaration

Similar to conditional expressions in Wyrd, if the body of the function is simple enough to express the evaluation result using only one line, you can choose to use the arrow syntax:

def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num => x + y

Functions Without Arguments

Sometimes function can declared without input arguments. In this case you don't need to also provide the parentheses, only the output type is needed after the name of the function:

def greet: Str => "Hello world!"

# or

def greet: Str do
  "Hello world!"

TODO: There's a bug where if you provide with empty parentheses, the compilation will stuck, check out the issue.

Returned Result Type Checking

If the function declared result aren't matched with the definition of the function, it will raise an error:

def shouldReturnNumber: Num => "123"
Return type of function `shouldReturnNumber` should be `Num`, instead got: `Str`

Function Overriding

Function Redeclaration is Prohibited

If a function (along with its argument types and output types) is declared twice, Wyrd will raise the error:

def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num => x + y

# Declare function `add` with same input arguments
def add(a: Num, b: Num): Num => a + b
ParserError: Overriding function `add` with existing input pattern `Num.Num`; to override the function, address it with `override` keyword before `def` token

By inspecting the error message, we can actually instead of declaring the function, we can explicitly overriding it.

Overriding Function

To override a function, we just simply add the override keyword before the def keyword:

def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num => x + y

# Declare function `add` with same input arguments
override def add(a: Num, b: Num): Num => a + b

The reason why Wyrd demand this approach is because, not only to express that the function actually has predeclared, but also developer choose to intentionally overriding it.

Before and After Overrode Function

Wyrd will make sure that only after function overriding, the invoked function will be the overrode version.

def greet(msg: Str): Str => msg

# Invokes the original version of the function
greet("I'm Max!")
# => I'm Max!

override def greet(msg: Str): Str do
  "Hello! ".concat(msg)

# Invokes the overrode version of the function
greet("I'm Max!")
# Hello! I'm Max!

Allows Change of Output Types

One benefit of overriding a function might be the ability of changing the output type of the function:

# Original Function
def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num do
  x + y

# Override Function
override def add(x: Num, y: Num): Str do
  (x + y).toStr()

However, you might also need to be cautious about this kind of practice since the change of output type might result modified behavior of program.

Function Overloading

Identical Function Name with Different Arguments Pattern

Similar to function overriding, instead we can declare functions of same name with different input arguments type pattern.

# Input Pattern: Num.Num => Num
def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num do
  x + y

# Input Pattern Num.Num.Num => Num
def add(x: Num, y: Num, z: Num): Num do
  x + y + z

This technique is called function overloading. In this case, function can have more possible ways to be invoked:

# Invokes the Num.Num => Num version
add(123, 456)

# Invokes the Num.Num.Num => Num version
add(123, 456, 789)

Overriding Overloaded Function

You can also override the overloaded function, the rule is the same as in overriding normal functions. Whenever there is an overloaded version of the function already been declared, to override it, you should add override keyword before the def keyword:

def greet(msg: Str): Str => msg

# Overloaded Version
def greet(prefix: Str, msg: Str): Str do
  prefix.concat(", ").concat(msg)

# Override the overloaded version
override def greet(prefix: Str, msg: Str): Str do
  prefix.concat("! ").concat(msg)

Last updated

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